Sarpıncık Soap Atelier: From Athena’s Olives to Karaburun’s Soaps


Sarpıncık Soap Atelier: From Athena’s Olives to Karaburun’s Soaps

Sarpıncık Soap Atelier: From Athena’s Olives to Karaburun’s Soaps

Contract Number



Project aims to contribute increasing the non-agricultural employment opportunities, developing income-generating activities and promoting rural development. In this framework, the project focuses on the natural products (olive oil, daffodil, daphne etc.), which peculiar to Karaburun and as pioneering of packaging, e-trade, marketing activities to support the visibility and brandization of those products. Within this way to combat with emigration particularly for the young population and also combat women unemployment will be possible. For the above-given aims, project targets to re-functionalize the existing inactive soap atelier. Thereby, on the one hand, Karaburun will have its own brand, and on the other, corporation among the villages, local authorities in Karaburun and usage of local sources will be possible. By completing of the atelier, there will be a visiting place for both domestic and foreign tourists. Finally, with the contribution of Yaşar University all the project activities will have scientific approach by the contribution of different faculties from “Faculty of Architecture” to “Economics and Administrative Sciences” or “Art and Design”. As a part of the project, students will also find opportunity to take role within a project.

Project Website

Start Date


End Date



€ 54.780,00

Institutional Budget

€ 1.400,00


Sarpıncık Neighbourhood Unit (Sarpıncık Muhtarlığı)


“Economic Diversity in Rural” Finacial Aid Programme funded by Izmir Development Agency (IZKA)




  • Yaşar University and Karaburun Union of Village Delivery Service (Karaburun Köylere Hizmet Götürme Birliği)Associate Partners: Karaburun Municipality, Local Agenda- 21 (Yerel Gündem 21)