Pathway Through Religions


Pathway Through Religions

Pathway Through Religions

Contract Number



Aim: The project general aim is to foster the role of school education for the enhancement of social inclusion, through a peer to peer transnational knowledge sharing experience for a mutual understanding of religious habits and beliefs and through a critical analysis of the role played by the main monotheistic religions in the history of mankind.


  • Impact on the capacity of secondary school teachers of humanistic issues to deal with complex classroom realities resulting from migration and refugees phenomenon and the related diversification of groups of learners, by making available innovative and transferable teaching methods, materials and tools for the promotion among students mutual understanding of the different religions according to a multidisciplinary approach.
  • Promote among secondary school students of a more aware comprehension of the different religions. Through a multidisciplinary and peer to peer knowledge sharing with students of other countries the project will foster among learners a better understanding of the religion impact on local communities and habits and through mutual knowledge the project will enhance pupils social, civic and intercultural competencies and promote their active role in the integration of migrant/asylum seekers/refugees students.
  • Promote among students of different confessions, the capacity of a critical analysis and understanding of the role played by religions in the history of mankind, highlighting according to an historical perspective, the events  in which religions and religious authorities played a negative role, leading to persecutions, massacres and wars and those in which religions and religious authorities choices fostered peace and integration.

In order to achieve these results the project will develop 3 Intellectual Outputs and involve the stakeholders, that is secondary school teachers and students, in their testing:

  • A Guide addressed to secondary teachers in order to deal with complex classroom realities, resulting from migrations and refugees phenomenon. The Guide will focus on the use of multidisciplinary, innovative and learner-centered approaches to the study and understanding of the influence of religions in the history of mankind and how to exploit a better understanding of the different religions to promote and improve social, civic, intercultural competencies of students and the mutual intercultural dialogue among them.
  • An Interactive web-based Didactical mapping of Religious sites as places (e.g. pilgrims’ routes, ghettos, the hostel for pilgrims etc.), sites of worship (churches, synagogues, mosques) and/or artistic masterpieces (e.g. paintings, statues etc.) that are significant from a religious point of view. The places/sites of workshop/masterpieces will represent the history of religions and the roles they have played in the context of their local area, from a multidisciplinary point of view: historical, cultural, sociological, economical etc. The contents will be taking the form of teaching materials to be used by teachers with their students.
  • An online training course on Religious traditions for the sharing of religious traditions in order to promote, through mutual understanding, a better integration among students with different religious beliefs and backgrounds within their classes. The collection will outline the everyday life traditions and habits linked to the different religions and confessions, addressing issues as ceremonies (e.g. Mass, Shabbat, Salat etc.), celebrations (e.g. Christmas, Hanukah, Muharran etc.), dietary rules (Kosher food, Halal food, Ramadan etc.).

Project Website

Start Date


End Date



€ 299.746,00

Institutional Budget

€ 19.449,00


C.I.P.A.T. – Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani


Erasmus+ Programme – Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership for School Education




  • Yasar Universitesi – Turkey
  • Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society – Bulgaria
  • 8. SU “Vasil Levski” – Bulgaria
  • Renasup – France
  • Istituto Istruzione Superiore Rita Levi-Montalcini – Italy
  • Pixel Associazione – Italy
  • Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Toscana – Italy
  • Sirinyer Anadolu Lisesi – Turkey
  • Cambridgeshire County Council – United Kingdom

Institutional Project Coordinator

Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökay ÖZERİM, Director, EU Center