European University For Transition (EU4Transition)


European University For Transition (EU4Transition)

European University For Transition (EU4Transition)

Contact Number



Ecological issues (climate change, loss in biodiversity, scarcity of resources, etc.) and their social consequences (growing inequalities, poverty, conflicts, forced migrations, etc.) call us to promote a paradigm shift, to redesign our production and consumption patterns, our lifestyles, and thus adjust the curricula in higher education, and to explore how economic and legal tools can be applied to these challenges. That is the ecological transition in the education field. The European University for Transition (EU4TRANSITION) Erasmus + project aims at developing and implementing innovative learning and research practices (e.g. new curricula, teaching methods, institutional network). It addresses key topics relevant for our contemporary ecological transition at local and European level such as the governance transition, the main controversy of the ecological transition, the economic transition, ethics and spirituality, construction, energy, local economy, finance, community, local transition, agricultural transition, climatology and empowerment by the sciences of engineering.

In doing so, EU4TRANSITION will focus on the development of a “European University in Transition” (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008) who accompany the ecological, but also economic, social and legal transitions (4 main domains). Our purpose is to develop innovative, multidisciplinary, pragmatic and holistic approaches for teaching and learning in the field of « Transitions » and facilitate the exchanges, flows and co-creation of knowledge and, more specifically, skills.

Project Website

Start Date


End Date



€ 315.321,00

Institutional Budget

€ 33.520,00


Association Groupe Essec, France


Erasmus+ KA203 Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education




  • Stichting Universiteit Voor Humanistiek, the Netherlands
  • Yaşar University, Turkey
  • Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain
  • Campus de la Transition, France
  • Arterra Bizimodu, İspan Spain
  • MTÜ Eesti Ökokogukondade Ühendus, Estonia

Institutional Project Coordinator

Prof.Dr. Çağrı BULUT