European Hub for Digital Learning and Inclusive Adult Education Organisations (EDUCATE)


European Hub for Digital Learning and Inclusive Adult Education Organisations (EDUCATE)

European Hub for Digital Learning and Inclusive Adult Education Organisations (EDUCATE)

Contact Number



Digital competence is one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning and is essential for participation in our increasingly digitalised society. However, international surveys and academic literature warn that many people, especially those who belong to vulnerable groups lack digital capabilities. At the same time, different lifelong learning organisations, adult education centres, and other NGOs develop trainings, workshops, learning opportunities and methodologies for improvement of digital competence, but there is no coherence and exchange of working practices in their efforts, which leads to sporadic results, not transferred and multiplied outside these organisations.

The EDUCATE project addresses the need for collaborative online hub aimed at organisations that provide education in digital competence to adult learners to share their experience, challenges, and best working practices within a common network. The interactive hub will provide an online environment where educators of adult learners could meet, seek guidance, exchange knowledge and share ideas, concerns, and valuable information related to digital competence education. The online hub will form the basis for strong and supportive adult educators’ community and network. This will be ensured through the functionalities of the hub, which will provide to adult educators and their organisations a possibility to create attractive profiles and to search through the profiles of other registered organisations or freelancer educators of adult learners.

The project will also establish EDUCATE Certification of Quality, which supports recognition of methodologies and best working practices of organisations providing education in digital competence to adult learners.

Project Website

Start Date


End Date



€ 143.550,00

Institutional Budget

€ 18.983,00


Higher Incubator Giving Growth and Sustainability (Greece)


Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education




  • Yaşar Üniversitesi, Turkey
  • Latvian Adult Education Association, Latvia
  • MB Efekto Grupe, Lithuania
  • European Digital Learning Network, Italy
  • KDRIÜ Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft., Hungary

Institutional Project Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasin Özarslan